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Active Affiliates 16
Total Payouts 4,086.00
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Paid-To-Clicks 35

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Been Paid

Members do have the option to choose not to mention their name on the been paid list. Those payouts will be marked as "private".

Below is a list of account names that have been paid by our site, when and how much. (All times are GMT) A total of 63 recorded payments have been made for a total of $212.95!

Username Pay Date Amount
deb183 2009-04-16 3.50
fieke39it 2009-04-02 3.00
fieke39it 2008-12-27 3.53
surfmaus 2008-12-16 3.26
thegeppo 2008-10-26 3.01
fieke39it 2008-10-01 4.13
ladyattitude 2008-09-11 3.07
siriina 2008-07-08 3.13
alex 2008-07-08 3.01
janbiz 2008-06-19 3.00
fieke39it 2008-04-28 3.82
harrison1999 2008-03-29 4.11
intili 2008-01-28 4.85
thegeppo 2008-01-16 3.00
whrestian 2007-12-26 1.89
teresebry 2007-10-29 3.67
cathylf 2007-10-27 2.66
ahobbelen 2007-09-29 1.50
moneng 2007-09-29 3.00
ppluna 2007-08-14 3.86
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