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Below is a list of account names terminated for violations of our Terms of Service.
Each account includes the time they were removed and the reason for their termination. (All times are GMT).

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Reward Date


sher25bini2010-12-18 18:45:40canceled - United Arab Emirates not allowed
univyang2010-12-15 06:52:52canceled - selected bad keyword and don't know gender
tnasting2010-12-12 19:47:45canceled - signed up to often without being active at all my sites, not welcome anymore
ssathish19812010-12-10 17:37:15canceled - cheater, selected all keywords
sleepawaycamper2010-12-10 07:03:03suspended - used different address at my other site, need to contact admin
unicorn08372010-12-09 06:53:42suspended - didn't select gender and having 2 months as Birthday?? Need to contact admin.
purged2010-12-05 10:10:05ssathish1981, kmsjay, sisacpg, chillshishu, teflonfanatic, tuomos5555, abc1209, dsurvey, japroprieties, benicetobears, pewterheart, cubbiebear2474, teddybear0998, hotfunnyrose, johannisburg, tusan1, jamaal19605, bobbilaugh, rokrdy23, kingmook, irish6367, arnoudkruithof, sobor
ssathish19812010-12-04 10:52:23canceled - India not allowed
sisacpg2010-12-02 12:50:25canceled - says from United States - IP is from Taiwan
chillshishu2010-11-29 18:32:14canceled - India not allowed
teflonfanatic2010-11-20 07:59:13canceled - selected all keywords
tuomos55552010-11-20 07:57:23canceled - selected bad keywords, clicked ads before account has been verified, clicked a cheatlink
abc12092010-11-14 16:58:13canceled - Sri Lanka not allowed
andrea21222010-11-11 07:26:04suspended - just signing up don't make you an active member
bobbilaugh2010-11-08 18:58:23suspended - 30 days or more inactive
irish63672010-11-06 06:13:12suspended - 30 days or more inactive
arnoudkruithof2010-11-04 06:34:31suspended - 30 days or more inactive
ashique192010-11-03 06:07:37canceled - Bangladesh not allowed
buxbux2010-11-02 15:56:18canceled - China not allowed
purged2010-11-02 06:05:30yllen14, lxssmm, zman3328, dynamicsorabh, massohag, swap21, sairam, llanera, strenght55, ramakrishna321, mops50, manu4466, redssaphire, wendolyn, alaskanray, btnrcook, mylas, menola
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