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Total Affiliates 28
Active Affiliates 16
Total Payouts 4,088.53
Mails in queue 0
Ads in rotation 53
Paid-To-Clicks 29

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Below is a list of account names terminated for violations of our Terms of Service.
Each account includes the time they were removed and the reason for their termination. (All times are GMT).

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Reward Date


yllen142010-11-01 05:50:25canacelled - clicked 34 times a cheatlink
lxssmm2010-10-31 05:35:58canceled - India not allowed
dynamicsorabh2010-10-30 18:37:12canceled - India not allowed
marcelduijzer2010-10-30 18:35:56suspended - 30 days or more inactive
swap212010-10-30 06:54:46canceled - China not allowed - since when is Changsa in India??
massohag2010-10-27 18:07:16canceled - Bangladesh not allowed
redssaphire2010-10-21 15:21:13suspended - 30 days or more inactive
wendolyn2010-10-18 09:15:09suspended - 30 days or more inactive
llanera2010-10-17 20:48:23canceled - Celebrating the whole year his Birthday - too busy for clicking
sairam2010-10-17 17:58:40canceled - India not allowed
teddybear09982010-10-15 19:35:42suspended - selected almost every month for Birthday - need to contact admin
mylas2010-10-11 22:12:39suspended - 30 days or more inactive
btnrcook2010-10-11 22:12:12suspended - 30 days or more inactive
purged2010-10-10 07:14:08more than 60 days inactive, only signups or not allowed members:
ramakrishna321, seniorgal, ebonetiger, kiemtien911, nszilagyi, ljg87, cubbie, colemanpecola, chatp12, inboden, thegeppo, lrdl3535, tahi, meluvthis, tovy4, snowbunnynnc
ramakrishna322010-10-08 06:19:51canceled - India not allowed
ebonetiger2010-10-05 07:43:08canceled - advertisers don't need an account
kiemtien9112010-09-25 06:29:59canceled - says from United States, IP is from Vietnam
ljg872010-09-23 17:29:08suspended - 30 days or more inactive
cubbie2010-09-20 05:04:38suspended - 30 days or more inactive
lida32010-09-16 18:55:57canceled - no complete info details
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